'Goodreads' is a fascinating website which is easy to join. I enjoyed thinking about the books I like to read, mainly non-fiction, histories, biographies and historical romance, and it took just minutes to give some of my particular favourites within these genres a four or five star rating. I've also now rated two popular titles which I disliked ('The Slap' and 'Eat, Pray, Love'). It's a fun exercise, bestowing one's instant judgment at the click of a mouse, and it's an exercise which is easy and quick to perform, as you know instinctively what you think of a book as you turn the last page.
Once you belong to 'Goodreads', I invite you to rate and/or review Pierssené, a Huguenot Family of London. I know I might regret issuing this invitation, but I hope you'll be kind!
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